Friday, February 15, 2008

Adenium Rooting Cuttings

I've had great success in rooting cuttings. The reason I do it is I hate to throw anything away. And I always know people who are excited to have a beauitful blooming Desert Rose plant !

I use a mixture of Jungle Growth and 50 percent perlite. I just take the fresh cutting stick it into the center of a pot with good drainage holes . I water threw then let drain and sit it in a warm sunny area. If it is cold I give it bottom heat.

I mostly just do this when I am prunning to shape my plants. I use a good size cutting about 4-7 inches. I do not use any rooting hormone. I like to prune after flowering is finished on a stem in order to get new growth for more flowers ! I only stick the stem in an inch or two at the most.

I root them like I do Plumeiras. I use to let Plumeiras dry before rooting . But then I fount I was putting the Plumeira cutting into dormant stage and then asking it to come out again made for a slow rotting process and longer time before it bloomed again sometimes two years.

Now I take the fresh Plumeria, Adenium cutting and put it into soil right away ! They root faster and bloom faster. Sometimes within a month my cuttings are blooming ! Pluemria and Adeniums are in the same family.

I keep it evenly moist . Before I know it the cutting has rooted and growing !

I had pictures of one I started small , it was warm summer best time to do it . It rooted and grew fast then I gave it to one of my nurses as a very good size plant ! She was thrilled ! I will see if I still have those photos.

The other day I trimmed two cuttings off stems that had stopped blooming as I keep mine blooming year round. Well I did not have time to fix pots for them so I stuck them in pot with Mom plant until I get to them . Their very happy !

I do not use any rooting hormones or do anything special.


1 comment:

StraightTalker said...


You have mentioned that you keep your adeniums blooming all year round. How do you manage this? How frequently do you fertilize? I have an adenium for the last 2 years but it only blooms in May-July i.e. end of summer till mid-monsoon in India. I have just hard pruned it since the monsoons have ended. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks, Norvin